Oct 13, 2009

Maple Pecan Granola

Maple Pecan Granola

1/4 cup canola oil

1/4 cup light corn syrup

1/4 cup maple syrup

1 tsp cinnamon

¼ tsp nutmeg

1/2 tsp maple extract

4 cups rolled oats

1 cup shredded coconut flakes

2 cups Rice Krispies

1 cup chopped pecans

1 cup raisins

1 cup dried cranberries, or chopped dried fruit of choice

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. In a large bowl, mix together first 8 ingredients (through almond extract). Add oats, coconut, cereal, and nuts and toss together so dry ingredients are evenly coated. Spread out onto a large cookie sheet (sprayed lightly with non-stick spray), and bake for 20 minutes. Remove from oven and toss/mix granola around with a spatula. Return to oven for an additional 15 minutes, or until granola looks golden brown and toasted (may need an extra 5-10 minutes). Let cool for a few minutes, then add dried fruit and toss together. Let cool completely before putting granola in a bag or airtight container to store. May be stored up to 2 weeks in the cupboard, or a month in the refrigerator/freezer. Serve with low-fat Greek yogurt, over fruit, or sprinkled on ice cream for dessert.

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